Game Shows
Highest TRPs for Game Show

Discover Most Watched Game Shows in Pakistan with MediaVoir

Game shows have been one of the most watched programs on television for many years now. It is the only program that has managed to attract millions of viewers every month. MediaVoir has been able to provide its audience with an amazing experience by providing them with accurate and authentic ratings of the top rated game shows in Pakistan. We have compiled a list of the top game shows in Pakistan of 2022, best game shows in Pakistan, top entertainment shows in Pakistan by time slot and more. We take ratings based on popularity, viewership and ratings.

In today’s fast-paced world, where everyone is busy and time is a scarce resource, it can be difficult to find a good show to watch. We know how much you love to watch your favorite game shows, so we’ve made it our mission to help you find the ones with highest TRPs and viewership.

Top Game Shows in Pakistan

December 2022

  • Game Shows
  • Entertainment Channel
  • Rating
  • Rating

December 2022

Let’s Get Entertained with the
Best Game Shows in Pakistan 2022

Mediavoir is a media platform that collects and publishes TV ratings for top game shows in Pakistan. It makes a list of the top 10 game shows in Pakistan, showing the average audience size of each show. We measure the percentage of households that are watching a particular show. The higher the number of people watching a show, the more popular it is considered to be. Recently, we decided to compile a list of top 10 game shows in Pakistan. Ratings are based on our analysis of viewership data collected from multiple sources. The purpose is to find out which game shows are actually popular among viewers in Pakistan.